Wrong Shoes

This dream happened in Orlando, Florida

March 26, 2023
Gender Variant/Non-Conforming, 18 to 24
United States

Dreamer: Vie
Lucidity: Partial
Enhancement: Dream journaling


I was in some cabin in the mountains. I was going to leave with some people I think from work, but we had to walk down a long winding gravel road through the forest to get to our cars.

For some reason, all of our shoes were outside on the front steps. We all got our shoes on outside and started walking. We walked for a while then I realized I put the wrong shoes on. These were too big and were flopping around. I considered just keeping on going but then decided I might get blisters from all the flopping.

Irritated, I turned around and told my people to keep going, and I would catch up. I felt in a big hurry as I got back to the cabin. I looked around for my shoes and couldn’t find them. I was starting to get really mad. I found another several rows of shoes on wooden shelves under the steps but literally none were mine. I thought great now someone else has MY shoes. I started to think how stupid it was to throw a bunch of peoples shoes together outside in the mountains anyway, and now I have no shoes.

After spending this time f-ing around after my shoes I said screw it, and found some that fit and were sort of like mine and I took off running down the gravel road to catch up. I went very fast but was never able to find them. I was starting to feel both abandoned and irritated all over again about them not waiting for me.

Keywords: Wrong shoes, group, abandoned, frustration

Visibility: Everyone
Content: General