Two dreams: School and Horse Turned Fish

This dream happened in Michigan

March 25, 2023
Female, 35 to 44
United States

Dreamer: laufor
Lucidity: None
Enhancement: Reading or thinking about dreams


1. In a high school with two buildings? I had a class in a room with a blue door and the teacher and my brother, also a teacher in this dream, switched places. When my brother was in charge he let me use some handheld device that was kind of like a key fob but had different settings for different…experiences? There was some push button thingy near the door that could help determine, by its color, who was in charge of the classroom. When the teachers switched again I was given this weird task with shapes and if a certain thing happened we would go outside. At some point the thing happened and we went outside to some area that corresponded with what I had been working on. At some point it once again became what I was working on and I had to like defend different areas of the board thing. Somehow it was part shapes on a board and part something I was actually doing in the environment.

2. I was wanting to ride a horse in some competition but was disallowed by…my mom? But I don’t think it was my mom from waking life. At some point it wasn’t about a horse but about a betta fish. At some point I convinced the mother figure to let me try to prepare for the competition. I had to pick flowers and catch a baby betta that was on damp land. The fish I selected was blue.

At some point, possibly during a separate dream, I was removing hair-like parts of someone’s brain.

Keywords: High school, brother, teacher, shapes, outside, blue, horse, betta fish, fish on land, mother figure, competition, flowers, vase

Visibility: Only Me
Content: Private