Set your Intention

One of the fundamental building blocks of lucid dreaming is to set your intention.  This means a couple of things:  

1.  Intend to become lucid
2.  Picture what you will actually do when you are successful

Lucid dreaming is very much a mental game.  Intend to become lucid and that’s that.  There should be no questioning or doubt.  Tell yourself it’s only a matter of time.  And when I am lucid, I will do this: _____________ [fill in the blank].

Often, when people realize they are dreaming and become aware in their dreamworld, they are flooded with thoughts of “now what?!” and lucidity drops immediately afterwards.  But if you know exactly what to do and calmly move to that, your dream has a much better chance of remaining lucid.

What will you do in your next lucid dream?

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