North Pole Resort

This dream happened in Phoenix

February 10, 2023
Male, 45 to 54
United States

Dreamer: Siren3712
Lucidity: Partial
Enhancement: Dream Lab Video Course


It started off in an open boat with about 7 other people. We were heading up a good sized river. I didn’t think about where we were headed but I was planning the trip. It was chill not stressful or nightmare vibes.

As we head up the river the landscape changes to being open and snowy. Soon the whole river is ice and deep chunks of it. Somehow the little boat just kept plowing through it all and kept going.

I started to feel like we were really remote. Still I wasn’t worried. I was supposed to be here on this boat like I had signed up for a tour of some kind. We finally stop and get out and just start walking on the hilly land to a small icy valley. I was starting to realize I was in an expedition to the North Pole. Really REALLY remote. As I was having some thoughts about realizing that, and any danger that could come with it, I turned around and looked behind me and low and behold there was a large city with tall very modern buildings and everything. I looked to my left and WTH there was a golf course with nice green fairways. I realized I didn’t even have a coat on and wasn’t cold. This is too weird I thought. But now that the danger of being in the middle of nowhere was going away, I just continued to walk around and explore all the ice and hills. I had the sense of a lot of water and deep ancient ice.

I eventually thought I should go check out where we are staying. So I walked a short little bit over a little knoll and there I was at our lovely lush green resort! Lots of tourists were staying there, and lots of other explorers. I felt like we are all there looking for something, not sure what. It was all basically ridiculous, I should have realized I was dreaming. Then the dream just ended, so I didn’t get to find whatever I was looking for.

Keywords: North Pole, ice, water, exploration, resort

Visibility: Everyone
Content: General