Human Weed

This dream happened in San Diego

April 20, 2021
Female, 35 to 44
United States

Dreamer: k-web
Lucidity: None
Enhancement: Dream Lab Video Course


I was on the deck of a house but not mine in real life. It is almost Spring in real life, and in my dream I noticed that there was huge super tall weed that grew under the deck and it was so tall that it started to grow through the wood slats of the floor. I thought to myself, “well, it is spring I guess. Weeds are back.” But as I noticed this particular weed more, I realized i was on the second story, and there was another layer of deck under me yet. So this weed was two stories tall. And it was one of those horrible thistle type weeds with thorns and sharp leaves. And since it was so huge, it had super thick stems. I could only stand there and think what a pain this was going to be to pull. The thorns and stickers were also huge. I wondered exactly how I was going to do this. Leather gloves wouldn’t be enough. Thorns would go right through.

Then I look to the side a bit and saw another huge weed. This one was smooth and kind of shiny though, no thorns. As I looked at it it seemed like the stem was getting thicker. And it wasn’t as tall as the other weed. I walked down the deck steps to it on the ground. When I got to the ground I was suddenly in what seemed like a really clean, bright large garage. This odd weed was just about 3 feet taller than me. I was confused how it got into the garage and why it wasn’t in dirt.

Then it moved, and I realized it was alive…like a human weed. It took on more definition and now had a long head and prehistoric looking face. It’s face seemed kind of tortured. It seemed to look at me although I don’t remember specifically seeing any eyes. It moved toward me like it was walking slowly while keeping its intent on me. I got scared thinking I was about to get my ass kicked by this weed so I backed up.

Something came over me though, and I decided to fight back. I tried – very awkwardly – to push back but it was just hard to get a good hold on it with various soft branches now and stuff. I would say it was like a large book choy in color and texture, only smooth.

It seemed surprised and scared in return when I came at flailing and all battle-screaming. I realized quickly by its reaction that it was not hostile or attacking me. It was kind and seemed like it was reaching out. Like it was stuck in this form…it seemed to only want to make a connection for some reason. I settled down and immediately felt compassion as a fellow living thing. And that was pretty much it. Quite the roller coaster of thoughts and emotions in this dream.

And through it all, the total ridiculousness of it all never struck me. So. Weird.

Keywords: huge plant, weed, understanding

Visibility: Everyone
Content: General