Horrible Night Out

This dream happened in Orlando

April 28, 2022
Gender Variant/Non-Conforming, 45 to 54
United States

Dreamer: Vie
Lucidity: None
Enhancement: Dream journaling


I wanted to go bowling with some people but I couldn’t remember where it was or what the place was called. I was the one who was supposed to know where to go and lead everyone there, and I was embarrassed that I couldn’t get my head around things and remember. Somehow we finally find the bowling ally but then there was a long line to get in and there was a famous celebrity throwing a fit. I don’t remember who it was just that he was famous and ruining things for everyone. I thought this was a horrible night out! I woke up feeling anxious about it like I let my friends down.

Keywords: night out, celebrity, bowling, lost, confused

Visibility: Everyone
Content: General