Food weirdness

This dream happened in Michigan

March 24, 2023
Female, 35 to 44
United States

Dreamer: laufor
Lucidity: None
Enhancement: Reading or thinking about dreams


At my parents’ house. I think my brother was living there which is not the case in waking life. My dad told me about a plan for dinner, but when I came back he was preparing something else. I asked and he said they didn’t have what he was planning at the store. I asked if he thought about going to another store and he said no because he wanted to also get paper plates. This seemed strange. I wondered where Mom was and he didn’t know but we figured she was at work. Then he said she texted (?) him a time she would get off, but it was strange because the time she gave was in military time, 2300 instead of 11pm which come to think of it is a strange time for her to get off work.

Keywords: Food, dad, mom, brother, parents’ house, store, military time

Visibility: Only Me
Content: Private