UFO Encounter

This dream happened in New York

October 24, 2022
Male, 25 to 34
United States

Dreamer: AdamX
Lucidity: Partial
Enhancement: Dream Lab Video Course


I was with a group of people who I guess I knew in the dream. They seemed like school friends because I was younger in this dream than in real life.

We were outside at night in front of some building. We looked up and saw this amazing UFO. It was silver in the shape of a ring. The middle was hollow and open. The ring was lit up all around in two places so it looked like a double blue ring flying around. Maybe there were 3 light rings. It was moving back and forth across the sky and doing incredible maneuvers. I thought it must be doing this all to get our attention and to purposely be seen. It wanted us to see it.

Then it landed and an alien guy got out and he seemed happy to see us and kinda jovial. He looked pretty human except his face was different. But human sized.

He referred to me as Bantan or Bantoc or something. Not at all my real name. Then we were in a different place all together in something of a lab and I looked at a giant wall screen like the whole wall was a tv – and saw these tiny round things peach colored with a black dot in each of them trailing in from the top and filling the screen. I understood they were new cells being given to me in order to “upgrade” me. I thought oh this is how they upgrade my dna. These cells have new bits of dna that will spread in my body and I will step up in evolution. It was awesome, then I woke up.

Keywords: Alien, ufo, space ship, dna, evolution

Visibility: Everyone
Content: General