Super Weird Pool Dive

This dream happened in San Francisco, CA

June 9, 2022
Female, 35 to 44
United States

Dreamer: Merch
Lucidity: Partial
Enhancement: Dream journaling


I was part of a group of people, like 8 of us, at some random swimming pool. There was one other person who was across from us and seemed a little higher up from us somehow (even though the pool area was flat).

All the sudden I was up in the air in the middle of a dive. I don’t recall there being a diving board. I was just mid air, aware of my group watching me. Thing is, I was in slow motion. Very slowly approaching the water head first. I slowly enter the water trying to have good form. Almost like it was a diving class and they were the other students.

Next thing I know I’m back above the water, again in slow motion. Except this time I am closer to the surface of the water and more aware. I am thinking consciously about this slow motion thing and starting to freak out. My thoughts were real time but stuck in this slow motion environment. I began to worry about breathing once I submerge. I felt my body still needed real time oxygen, but here I am on this slow motion timeline. I was scared I would drown. I always about to go underwater for longer than I could hold my breath.

I hit the water and slowly submerged. I was freaking out about breathing. But soon realized I didn’t need to breathe. I was fine. It was playing out like I was a separate from the physical and I was partially lucid and aware of how things were playing out. So it was actually pretty interesting. It was all just movement but super slow with a quick awareness very weird. And I don’t even swim let alone dive. NO clue where this dream came from.

Keywords: Water, dive, slow motion, breathing, fear, drowning in

Visibility: Everyone
Content: General