Massive Worm Creature

This dream happened in Phoenix, AZ

June 4, 2021
Male, 45 to 54
United States

Dreamer: Siren3712
Lucidity: Partial
Enhancement: Dream Lab Video Course


I was in a large building, like one with several medical clinics in it. The dream started with me and the family all walking around the place with some sort of purpose but I’m not sure what.

Eventually, this same building just was our personal house. I was upstairs on the second floor, and everyone else was on the main ground floor. This place was nothing like our actual house. It seemed to be rounded…the outside walls were curved and looking out, we were in an area that looked like New Mexico…very dry with sparse bushes and light reddish dirt.

It was raining now which was rare here. There many windows lining the curved wall to see outside. I was looking from a point way higher than I should have been for the second story. But I could see something like antelope running in the rain together. Then, as I looked, I saw a massive earth worm coming out of the ground. Like probably a foot in diameter and 30ftong! It looked just like a real life one only huge. It was slowly moving toward the house. I wasn’t scared or anything, just it was kinda wild to see such a big one. I tried taking some pictures with my phone. The turned out satellite images.

Then I saw another one. This one moved much faster toward the house. I started to yell for everyone to check it out. I ran downstairs thinking I could see it closeup as it got close. I still wasn’t worried it was just a novelty. But as I got downstairs it was already almost to the house. It was sailing! It came straight up to the house like a boat moving too fast and hit the house with a big thud. I got a dream glimpse of it and it had a vague tortured looking face. Then it moved alongside the curved wall. I thought maybe it wanted to lay along the foundation but it kept moving toward the front door. The kids were there now watching it too but my wife was somewhere else. I started to realize it was going to try getting into the house and for the first time got worried. It was moving very fast now. I ran to the front door and saw it was unlocked. I pushed against it to keep it out and fumbled to turn the deadbolt. The work nor had the torso of a woman’s with arms, hands head, hair and normal face. It was determined to get in. I was able to get the deadbolt turned just in time. The worm-maid tried hard to bust in but couldn’t and eventually went away. Who knows where. That was the end!

Keywords: Large house, family, desert, worms, danger

Visibility: Everyone
Content: General