Cloud of Fire

This dream happened in Phoenix

April 25, 2021
Male, 45 to 54
United States

Dreamer: Siren3712
Lucidity: None
Enhancement: Specific food, herb or supplement


I was at work and saw large cloud coming from the North. It was evening and beginning to get dark. I was with a few people, I think from work. They weren’t strangers to me but I don’t know who they were for sure now. We began to realize the cloud was kind of lit up. At first I thought it had lightening in it – how stormcloyds will do internally but not shoot out bolts. How a whole cloud will light up inside in real life. But I slowly realized this was something else. The cloud was low and rolling, more like a dust storm or plume of gas or smoke would be, although it was cloud like in appearance. But instead of lightening I came to understand it was fire. It was a huge rolling mass of light grey matter lit up internally with fire! It was destroying all that it floated and roiled over at ground level. Killing and I guess burning structures. It was coming our way. I then remembered my son was at elementary school not far away. I left immediately to get him, I didn’t care if I abandoned work. His school was in a kind of old vintage mall or something and he was a few years younger than in real life (and in real life goes to school a city away). I was feeling scared and sorry for all the people in buildings and on the street who were being overcome and destroyed by this thing. I never felt I was in danger, that I could keep in front of it. It wasn’t moving fast, but not super slow either. I got my done and we were ok. Then it ended.

Keywords: Cloud, fire, destruction, fleeing, rescue

Visibility: Everyone
Content: General