I’m not smart in this dream

This dream happened in Phoenix

April 23, 2021
Male, 45 to 54
United States

Dreamer: Siren3712
Lucidity: None
Enhancement: None


In my Dream I had started a center of some kind with my real life friend I haven’t seen in years. I thought it was like a wellness center, but it was never really clear.

All I know is it was opening night and we were running around getting things ready. I went to change my clothes and I reached for my belt. It was coiled up on a shelf which was weird because I hang my belts in real life unless I travel. Also, when I picked it up it was a light tan, not black and super short. Clearly it wasn’t my belt but no one else would have been there to switch it. I was so confused about it. I still tried it on thinking maybe it’s not as short as it looked. Then I put it on to the left as always, but buckle-first like an idiot. That didn’t work, it got stuck in the belt loops. So I tried going to the right, non buckle end first like normal, but of course on the wrong side. And I got far enough to realize it was in fact too short. I don’t know why I was being so dumb about this belt!

So I told my friend I had to run to Target for a new one because these particular pants wouldn’t stay up otherwise. I had 7 minutes before opening. So I grabbed my phone to pull it up on maps to find the quickest route. Well I couldn’t get Maps to work…it just wouldn’t give me the quickest route. So I just took off driving thinking I generally knew where to go. I don’t even know what city we were in.

Somehow I got on the interstate and quickly saw a brand new Target off to the right. And there was an exit right ahead of me – awesome. But the exit wasn’t open. Still under construction. So I kept driving to the next exit and it was also closed. So I’m getting further away and starting to get nervous about finding Target quickly.

I finally got off the interstate and stopped somewhere I guess to ask for directions. I talked to a lady and a younger man. Somehow we talked about I was doing and the lady wanted to get a service for the guy from my center. They asked what was available and I had no clue so I pulled out my phone and scrolled through services on the website. I was able to find the site at least! Archery was somehow decided on for the service this guy would get from me. I have no clue how to teach archery in real life – or in the dream. And it was a 12 week course. So I was like what in the hell did I list that for if I know nothing about it. And where would I even teach it, or do I even have a bow and arrow??

At this point I woke up, thankfully, and put myself out of my clueless dream misery. I have never had a dream where I was so stupid and frustrated.

Keywords: Confused, frustrated, time

Visibility: Everyone
Content: General Private