Sleep Well, Dreamer

Would you like to dream better?  If so, start with getting enough sleep.  No one can expect to have many dreams unless they get sufficient sleep, which for adults is between 7-9 hours each night.  You may be surprised at how much simply getting more sleep will improve your dream experience.

Most of our vivid dreams occur during the early morning hours, in the period before waking.  We are in the stage of sleep called REM (named for Rapid Eye Movement) most frequently at the end of the night, and it is during REM when we experience our most interesting dreams. 

When we don’t get enough sleep, these early morning periods of REM tend to be sacrificed.  REM actually does do more than generate crazy dreams for us, so it’s important to set yourself up to receive it at night.  Sleep well, dream well!

See Lesson 2 of the Dream Lab Video Course for more details. 

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