Elite Astronaut

This dream happened in Orlando, FL

March 11, 2021
Gender Variant/Non-Conforming, 18 to 24
United States

Dreamer: Vie
Lucidity: None
Enhancement: Reading or thinking about dreams


The dream just started with me being a young astronaut like probably late 20’s but I’m late 30’s in real life. I was in space with a small group of other astronauts the same age both women and men.

We were an elite team doing some sort of research and there to perform certain tasks. We were just floating around space when the pilot suddenly pushed some buttons on the space ship/shuttle we were floating outside of.

Suddenly it shot off leaving a line of blue light behind it. Like it jumped into warp speed out into space to who knows where.

I was freaking out until I remembered one of our tasks was to prove it’s possible to re-enter space and land back on earth with only a space suit on and no parachute! So we had to hold our bodies in a certain way during re-entry and literally land on our feet. I knew this required great strength. Being at the end of the mission when I had to do this I knew I had to muster every drop of strength to make that landing. But we were elite and I knew we would all do it and make history.

The dream ended here so I don’t know if we stuck the landing! I would liked to have dreamt that part.

Keywords: Astronaut, elite group, space, floating, making history

Visibility: Everyone
Content: General