Floppy Extra Thumb

This dream happened in San Francisco, CA

February 17, 2021
Female, 35 to 44
United States

Dreamer: Merch
Lucidity: Completely
Enhancement: Reading or thinking about dreams


I looked over and saw one of my thumbs on the table. Even though it would be a third thumb, and I had my other two nicely in place where they belong, I wanted it attached as well. At this point I realized I was dreaming, and was able to control what I did with that thumb. So I just sorta stuck it in my right hand, over by my pinky. It stuck and everything and the skin was all connected and good. But it wasn’t connected by bone or muscle, so it totally just flopped around and I wasn’t quite happy with it. Being lucid at this point, I just focused on the new thumb and willed bone and muscle to connect it and wa-la! I had a fully functioning right hand pimped out with an extra thumb. I reminded myself of a monkey and had an urge to go swing from stuff as a test run of my now super grippy right hand but i woke up.

Keywords: Thumb, fingers, extra

Visibility: Everyone
Content: GeneralPrivate