Share a Dream Post

Share a Dream

Thank you for sharing your dream! By completing the following fields, you help us turn dreams into data. Researchers can then look for trends in dream content and better understand the nature of our dreams. Please answer accurately and honestly & share as many dreams as you like.

NOTE: You must be 18 years old or more to submit a dream. No identifying info is collected. But by doing so, you consent to your dream being placed within public domain. Proceed only if you are 100% comfortable with this.

Share a Dream
Who can see this dream? *
Give this dream a short title, like 'Tsunami', or 'Teeth Fell Out!'.
‘Boston, MA’, ‘Paris, France’, etc.
Please indicate 'None' if you were not aware you were dreaming at the time; 'Partial' if you were aware you were dreaming but not in control; 'Completely' if you were both aware you were dreaming AND in control of the dream.
Did you use anything in particular prior to, or during this dream to enhance it? If so, select the item you think contributed most to this dream.
Please share your dream. Who was in it? Where did it take place? How did you feel?
Add simple keywords, separated by a comma, that describe this dream, such as: tsunami,teeth,flying,ghost


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